* 家庭月入3000令吉及以下。
* 家庭月入3001令吉至4000令吉。
* 60歲及以上的獨身的老年人。
* 21歲及以上的單身人士,每月收入2000令吉及以下。
Applications for the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) 2014 can be made from Dec 23,2013 to Jan 31, 2014.
Starting this year the government had decided to bank the money directly into the account of the recipient. Applicants must submit their bank account number to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) before Jan 31, to facilitate the process of payment.
The BR1M 2014 payment will be made to the eligible applicants from February 2014.
Eligibilitis of applying BR1M 3.0 :
* households with a total monthly income of RM3,000 and less.
* households with a total monthly income of between RM3,001 and RM4,000.
* unmarried individuals aged 21 and above earning not more than RM2,000 a month.
* People aged 60 and above and living alone.